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Should I pay to get rid of the black spot on my heart or not?

I'm playing a Virtuous & Honorable guy, in case it's a morality thing.

I'm mainly wondering if it's a waste of money or a drop in power.

Finally, I have to ask: Are there any ways to "adopt" a beast?

Having a bear sized warwolf sounds pretty badassed to me!

(Ai proceeds to bitchslap me senseless for saying that) >~<;

If you have regeneration and high vitality, it's better to leave the black spot alone. You'll get an additional talent if you just power through without any help.

I got poison resistance even though I used the meds.


The only way to obtain poison resistance (in the game script) is through the option "Do nothing" (and sending Mei Mei away when she shows up) once the poison triggers. You'll need regen trait and 180 vitality to pass the check. If you buy the medicine earlier (for 500 points) or use the other paths once the outbreak happens you won't enter that script branch.

So, what you describe, is pretty much impossible. Are you sure you didn't confuse two or more of your playthroughs?

I might have, but either way, thank you for your answer, I appreciate your assistance.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

it's a good game but bear fucking god why wont it save in the fucking slot i chose


why do I feel like I’ve made literally zero progress in romancing tang ruo even though I’ve pretty much maxed out her approval. I mean we are friendly enough towards each other but nothing as far as actual romance scenes or opportunities ever seem to come up. Am I missing something I’ve read the full demo (none boosty version) and done everything to impress and raise her approval yet I still feel like I’m no closer than the first comment I made about her liking what she sees. Should anything have happened yet at the point of where we are at in the story that somehow missed ? Or is it just really this slow ?


Author just hasn't written any romantic scenes with Tang Ruo yet. Only characters who have gotten any major developments in the story are Tigress and Mei Mei, and Ai to a lesser extent.


I appreciate the answer I was getting worried that I messed something up. I hope he hurry’s lol us ruo romancers are starving XD

How I feel about Ai, tbh.


Also Tang Ruo reqiures you to be of the the opposite gender to be romanced, its in the code. The reasoning might be because their an heir of the empire.

she’s is the opposite gender she’s female and my mc is male 

(1 edit) (+8)

More Tang Ruo events pls!!!!Love this game!


(1 edit) (+6)(-9)

Won't let me be gay 👎

edit: (leaving this original comment in case someone else is wondering why there isn’t lgbtq+ options)

(1 edit) (+12)

The author lives in Russia and any mention of LGBTQ+ can be considered extremest and could get the author in serious trouble so they had to remove any gay content from the story


Oh, that’s depressing. At least they’re able to create the rest of the game, it’s very well made

😭then how the hell am i supposed to bed lushi (in a gay way


Lushu is not a RO the author just felt like trollling us

🤧🤧now i feel like widower

I think that's because the Male Love Interest isn't fleshed out yet(Thats what you means by Gay, right?). My Female Char manage to fuck Tigress so Lesbian content exist at least.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

So, I just finished playing the game and I wanted to share my thoughts on the overall experience. Let me start by saying that this game definitely ranks in my top 10 best Choicescript games of all time. As someone who grew up watching a lot of classic martial arts movies and has an interest in Chinese mythology due to my Chinese grandad, this game is like a perfect love letter to those interests. It strongly reminds me of the Manhua martial peak, and the story has been enjoyable from start to finish in this version. There's also a good amount of content and some really impressive fighting scenes. 

Now, let's address a few areas that could use some improvement. First, the freeroam section is just okay. It's not anything special, mainly just training and buying talismans to get stronger. But right now, it feels a bit bare bones. I think it would be great if the freeroam section could also be a place where you can hang out with the main love interests and strengthen your bond. Currently, you only see them for a few important missions, and I'm personally focusing on romancing Mei Mei while also having Tang Ruo as my second choice. The tigress character seems to be the most developed in terms of romance, which is a bit disappointing. I hope the developer can make the freeroam more interactive in the future, allowing us to build relationships with other characters outside of the main story and side quests.

Lastly, I want to talk about a spoiler for those who haven't finished the current version. (Spoilers Ahead)

So basically, we all know that the main character is the reincarnation of Tang Wei, a literal God and the most powerful character in their world. One thing that has been bothering me is how slow the main character is progressing in terms of moving up in the realms. After being reborn by tang wei to true cultivation and going from mortal to middle houtain in terms of power in an instant, I expected the main character to level up much faster now, especially since they can absorb other martial artists to become stronger. But even after all that has happened, the main character is still stuck around the middle to late houtain level, which doesn't make sense to me. In my playthrough, I've reached max demon and have no problem with killing people, yet the main character still hasn't managed to break through to the next level. It's frustrating that even after absorbing the stone from the dragon cave, they didn't reach peak Houtain or above especially when Tang Wei himself said that these stones would greatly increase his powers. It feels like a major misstep. And even after everything they've done, the main character still hasn't reached Xiantian yet(Okay im reaching on this one but still). I understand that cultivation can take a long time, but considering the main character is a martial sovereign and the reincarnation of a God, it's surprising that they haven't reached the top yet at least by his generation.

At this point, the main character should have already surpassed Tang Ruo. Let's be honest, we all know that the only reason Tang is stronger than the main character is because she had the best training from birth and has a ton of overpowered artifacts and talismans. Even before reaching true cultivation, the main character could keep up with her. But even after discovering the truth about his origins and getting a huge power boost, the main character still feels weak compared to her. It's frustrating, especially since the main character wins most of the fights after ascending, but it still feels like he's barely scraping by. I play on the heaven exp trail(or something like that), so I make every single skill check, yet the main character still almost burns to death near the end when you fight the spear twins(Some fights simply give way to much trouble than it's worth even if you make the skill checks.) I understand that the story is far from complete and we're still early in the main character's life, but I really want to see some progress in his strength. At this point, I personally think the main character should be the strongest in his generation, but he's still second to Tang Ruo. If the author sees this, I'd love to hear their thoughts on everything I've said. I genuinely enjoy this story and I hope it stays on track and meets everyone's expectations.

(2 edits) (+5)(-1)
I understand that cultivation can take a long time, but considering the main character is a martial sovereign and the reincarnation of a God, it's surprising that they haven't reached the top yet at least by his generation.

The MC has only just woke up after 2 years in a coma. After which they have jumped from effectively mortal they were reduced to back to mid-houtian in something like a month. They're now expected to advance by 2 stages in mere 6 months which is already quite unprecedented feat. (other prominent members of the cast, Tang Ruo included, took those 2 years to reach late-houtian)

They might be reincarnation of a god but they're in a world where they're handicapped, if anything. I think you're being unreasonably impatient when you expect them to just jump to the next major power stage in matter of weeks, as if it didn't take other people decades if not more. That'd be just silly level of player's ego stroking.

I think you're being unreasonably impatient when you expect them to just jump to the next major power stage in matter of weeks, as if it didn't take other people decades if not more. That'd be just silly level of player's ego stroking.

It seems to be a common sentiment for fans to question why we aren't instantly bulldozing everyone and leaving our competition in the dust. It isn't enough that we're within the top 2 of our generation, we also have to be able to beat everyone and everything without breaking a sweat. Not only that, but we also have to completely overtake Tang Ruo who's been training far longer, with better teachers, countless priceless artifacts, and has been juicing since they were a kid.

Personally, I like that not everyone can just be steamrolled. It enriches the world, provides stakes, and gives a sense of accomplishment whenever we actually fight and beat someone strong, like in the latest Boosty update.


Thanks for your input, but it seems like you missed a big part of what I was saying, my friend. The only reason the main character isn't the strongest in the world is because the world he lives in isn't suitable for proper cultivation. Sure, the author has added their own twist to cultivation, but it still follows the general rules. Cultivation does take a ridiculously long time, but what you don't seem to understand is that the main character has a martial sovereign body, which is considered one of the most overpowered things in cultivation. On top of that, he's a reincarnation of a god. Now, I'm not saying he should instantly become a god or anything, because that would make the story less exciting. The main character is still in his early years, and the story will hopefully show his journey as he becomes an unbeatable force over the years. However, the problem is that he progresses way too slowly, especially when it comes to the stones. Tang Wei himself said that finding a few of these stones would instantly boost him to godhood or something along those lines, and killing martial artists makes you stronger by absorbing them. So far, we've only seen one stone boost the main character from a weak mortal to a middle houtain after a 2-year coma. That was a huge power boost. Now, you're telling me I'm being impatient when the main character has already found another stone after meeting the dragon girl, and his power boost is just a few dai strands? If we follow the logic that even the main character himself stated as well as tang wei, these stones should make him even stronger. By now, in the story, he's found 2 stones, so absorbing the second one should at least put him at peak houtain. I'm simply pointing out the plot holes I'm seeing, and it's not impatience to expect the main character to get stronger faster than everyone else. If you've read any cultivation stories or manhuas, you'd know that even the weakest cultivators with impurities, once they possess a martial body, will always be leagues above the rest.

I'm not here to argue, just sharing my opinions on things that I think should be addressed. It's okay if you don't agree with me. As someone who loves reading cultivation stories, I have a lot of insights on the subject. I'm just pointing out things that don't make sense to me in this story. Yes, I understand that the story isn't complete and the developer doesn't want us to become instantly stronger. However, the words in the story contradict the cultivation process itself. I won't be replying to this anymore because I've already said my piece. Continuing this discussion would be a waste of time. I just want to see this game succeed and hear the developer's thoughts on the issues I've raised. Remember, you didn't write this story, the developer did. So, no matter what you say, only the developer can correct my assumptions since they control the story flow. Have a good day.


I'm not trying to argue with you, but I do want to bring attention to one thing.

If we follow the logic that even the main character himself stated as well as tang wei, these stones should make him even stronger. By now, in the story, he's found 2 stones, so absorbing the second one should at least put him at peak houtain. I'm simply pointing out the plot holes I'm seeing,

This is assuming two things:

1. That qi stones are all made equal. We don't really know this; the second qi stone may have just been less potent than the first.

2. That going from middle-Houtian to peak-Houtian takes the same amount of effort as going from mortal to middle-Houtian. It most likely isn't.

Take Tang Ruo for example. They enter early-Houtian a few days (or weeks) after entering the sect. Then they enter middle-Houtian right before the expo. This was over the course of several months. Now a 2.5-year time-skip happens, and they've only reached late-Houtian.

We know Tang Ruo never stopped training. So that could only mean the time, training, and power necessary to ascend to the next stage will take longer every "level up," so to speak.

That's it. Personally, it makes sense to me. Though, you likely know more about cultivation stories than me, and so if that runs contradictory to other xianxia tales, then that's fair criticism. Have a good day.


Mhmm I wasnt referring to you my guy,was talking to the other guy but you did bring up some pretty good points so yeah for now I will just wait until more content so I can form a better opinion on the pacing,at least you aren't an asshole about it and you give geniuene good points.

(1 edit) (+1)

Are you playing the Boosty demo by any chance? If not, then MC makes some SERIOUS headway in terms of strength, so you have a lot to look forward to.

(1 edit) (+3)
However, the problem is that he progresses way too slowly,

I reiterate: it takes the MC 6 months tops to reach the stage others take years and often decades to achieve. Starting effectively from mortal level scratch. If this is your idea of "too slowly" then we simply have to agree to disagree on this.

Regarding the stones, Tang Wei needed a few of those to replenish his qi reserves and teleport out of the game world. But he's already a fully developed god-like being, not a fresh vessel which needs incomparably more qi to develop to his level. Also keep on mind that what your MC gets their hands on aren't the same stones, but tiny remnants of stop-gap solution produced by Tang Wei out of "mere" few millions of the world inhabitants. They're far from the same thing in terms of carried power.

Btw, each of the stones you get in the story grants you the same amount of power: 10 qi and 100 exp. The rest of exp you have available after the time skip doesn't come from the stone, but it's what you've accumulated as your character attributes up to that point. Perhaps it's a narrative mistake to make the first instance of getting your hands on one of these pebbles seem far more beneficial than it actually is.


Yeah now that actually makes a bit more sense on regards to the stones but still I will stick to my opinion,Like I said I am not looking for any arguments simply just trying to figure out these weird plot holes I came across, hopefully the dev will clarify a few of my points for me. And yeah I did have a suspicion that not all the stones are the same power but still tang wei did say we only need a few of them and they are pretty rare.

(3 edits) (+8)(-1)

Yeah the problem is that the way the author frames the story makes the main character's lack of progression seem nonsensical. This is accentuated by the fact that we are capped by numbers that seem like artificially placed limits. My character is swimming in EXP and money - why can I not buy trainers, or pills, or whatever to get to Tang Ruo's level? I can't even learn other abilities cause we are capped at only a few. Tang Ruo is the same stage yet is able to progress at hyper-speed while my MC is sitting around doing nothing and can't even track TR's movements. If my MC is at max point level, max traits, max abilities, etc. for the stage, then what is the difference between the two? Is the MC not at the highest possible power for that stage? Cause there's literally nothing the MC can take/do to get more points since it's capped. Just seems so forced. 

And narratively, the story allowed my MC to have a solid 1 arena battle, with no ability to sign up for more. Meanwhile TR was plowing through the arena like it was nothing. Like???

I just don't get it. The narrative is confused, truly. There is really no convincing narrative reason why our MC can't be doing more to at least be COMPETITIVE with TR, as opposed to sitting around while being left in the dust (the current state of things). 

There are 10 year olds playing games, instruments, etc. at the levels of masters in the REAL WORLD. But a martial god is somehow unable to remain competitive with the woman he beat day 1? Makes NO sense. This narrative simultaneously wants the MC to be a super powerful martial entity while also being weak AF. Balance has not been properly achieved. 

(2 edits)

why option to 'download save' got removed?

can we get that back.that was useful for different playthrough specially since saves are getting corrupted .


You can download your saves in freeroam it is called protected saves.

How much do you plan on updating the demo? Will you stop after a certain word count and focus one the premium version?

Okay im curious I've been following through complete evil path while only being nice to a few people that I like and im on the fight with mo long,Now He is telling me to kill him,I normally don't hesitate to kill anyone when the game gives me an option but the fact that the demon queen was mentioned and she is one of the strongest in the story,I have a feeling that he is related to her somehow,so does killing him have consequences?

Yeah, there are consequences to killing and sparing him. Did you happen to change your last name? That offers a change to the mission if you happen to do so.


Yeah I did go back and then decided to ask him questions instead of instantly killing him and yes I did change my mc name from wu to he but im planning on betraying the he clan,with mo long help which made me fail the mission but i do hope that he does become helpful down the road. I also told him that the he clan was responsible for him killing his lover so I do hope these options don't come bite me back,I know for sure the mc at their current state can't fight the demon queen and I feel like if choosing to kill him I might lock myself out later on and die to her,the way the author worded it felt weirdly omnious.


I won't spoil what happens, but choosing to kill Mo Long doesn't strictly result in a game over later on. You can absolutely kill him if you want to for your evil play through.


Thanks for the info I appreciate the help 👍


Lots of potential to this story. I'm excited to see where it goes. But I'm gonna plop some thoughts down just to share my perspective. 

It would be nice if we were able to cultivate relationships with characters during the free roam. Like, even if it isn't going to "drive" the plot of the relationship forward, it would be nice to just get more exposure to what these characters are doing. ATM the free roam seems a bit empty. It'd also be nice if reading all the books in the library rewarded the player with something (beyond experience) - like a new talent or whatnot. Lore is cool but there are valuable points being spent on it, which feels like a waste. 

Another thing is that the prince/princess is always being worshipped by everyone, yet the protag, who is supposed to have this ultra divine blood, is, from a narrative perspective, sort of put into the second-place category. Ruo is accomplishing new feats all the time, and even when the protagonist accomplishes one thing it seems as if Ruo has accomplished double that. It kinda kills the vibe of the ultra-powerful protag story (which is, presumably, the reason why people pick the 4x exp gain). If the protag is supposed to be a legendary martial artist, why can't he compete with the prince/princess, at least in terms of pace-of-progression?

Like, if Ruo is beating people in the Arena, we should be beating people in the Arena. If Ruo is learning new talents super easily, we should be learning talents. I mean, even Tigress has a teacher but no one has even tried to contact us??? And we are stuck with only our family's skills, which the princess can apparently instantly learn anyway. Like??? Is our protag supposed to be strong or nah? 

I understand there are narrative reasons why the princess might be in a better place, but the narrative also seems to suggest that we should be able to catch up quicker due to our natural talent. Yet, it seems like we are not catching up quicker at all - but that we are actually falling behind. At least that's how it has been by the time I paused reading this (around when she fights Middle H dude in the Arena). 

Anyway, I was loving this game in the beginning but during what seems to be the mid-point it's turned into a slog where the story doesn't make us feel like we're progressing at all - that we are always behind in a world where people are far more powerful than us, despite us apparently being born with enormous potential. After all, our attributes are capped with points but apparently prince/princess Ruo's are not lol. I also don't understand that. Like, if we are at middle H level watching her fight, with maxed out stats, then how is she able to win a fight that we apparently could not? It's not as if she is late-stage H level, just early to mid level. 


I can try to address most of your issues or complaints about the narrative:

1. "Another thing is that the prince/princess is always being worshipped by everyone, yet the protag, who is supposed to have this ultra divine blood, is, from a narrative perspective, sort of put into the second-place category."

 The imperial heir essentially is the leading figure in MC's generation. They have access to numerous priceless artifacts, fortune, martial arts and skills, as well as incredibly strong mentors, such as their grandfather, the current emperor and strongest martial artist in the world. Also, their aunt, the Sword Mistress, whom by Tang Ruo's account is the best sword wielder in the world. Tang Ruo is expected to become the next martial sovereign on reputation alone. Not to mention the 97% blood purity. Tang Ruo has a massive head start compared to MC, which is shown and explained when they first fight.

Meanwhile MC is the heir to a dying clan that's been having a talent drought for centuries, at least, which was only briefly broken by their father. It's even stated by the library that if nothing is done, then the Wu clan may just die off in the next hundred years. The only things going for the MC are the inherited clan martial skills and perfect blood purity. Compared to Tang Ruo, they're severely lacking in resources and experience. A mere difference of 3% blood purity isn't enough for the MC to overtake the prince/princess is a matter of months or even a few years. So, from a narrative perspective, it makes sense that Tang Ruo is going to be the more focused disciple in the martial world, for now at least.

That being said, the MC absolutely takes Ws and are a force to be reckoned with in their own right. As far as the point you are currently at, you can: beat Tang Ruo in the tournament, beat an early-Houtian for your first arena match, beat a bandit gang lead by another early-Houtian martial artist, and beat the son of the DQ who has the ability to transform, albeit partially, into Asura (most powerful transformation in the verse btw).

Also, the only things Tang Ruo has done since entering the sect was enter early-Houtian off screen, showcase their eyes of perfect replication, and then beat up Jing Guo's brother in the arena, who initially was 2 stages higher than them. It's impressive and it overshadows MC's feats by a considerable margin, but you have to remember that they have ridiculously powerful martial arts and in-born talents that the MC doesn't get due to their differences in family.

2. "Like, if Ruo is beating people in the Arena, we should be beating people in the Arena."

We do. In fact, as of current build, we have two arena fights. We haven't done an arena marathon like Tang Ruo did right before the expo, but we still get to showcase our abilities and prove ourselves to the masses.

3. Ruo copied two of our abilities with their magic eye hacks, then has not shown to use them again (on-screen at least). Besides, MC will eventually gain access to new abilities and resources that exponentially increases their power (some available in current build, in fact). Tigress gets a master before you, yes, but you eventually are recruited by an elder of the sect (again, available in current build). The protagonist is strong, it's just that the MC is constantly going up against top tiers and higher stage practitioners that you may feel otherwise.

4. "it's turned into a slog where the story doesn't make us feel like we're progressing at all - that we are always behind in a world where people are far more powerful than us, despite us apparently being born with enormous potential."

I mean, not really. MC and Tang Ruo are the top 2 of their generation, far above the likes of Ai, Tigress, and Jing Guo. MC is pretty much going against the top brass and trivializing everyone at or beneath their martial level. Literally, the only people that give the MC trouble are the ones who are at the top of peak-Houtian and above. Which makes sense, because there is absolutely no reason for MC to start clowning on people decades their senior or characters so high above their weight class.

As far as Tang Ruo goes, they do get humbled. It actually happens not that long after you left off in fact. They're still considerably stronger than you (at the point you left off), but MC quickly grows stronger, and you'll learn why.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Maybe I wasn't clear regarding the purpose of my comment. I was offering constructive feedback to the author, specifically, in case it might be useful. 

I already understand how the narrative tries to justify why things are written the way they are. I have read the story myself. You say, "I can try to address most of your issues" but you are not actually addressing any of the issues. You are just writing a defense of the story. 

Unfortunately, I didn't write this comment to start a debate with random users in the comment section. I wrote my comment for the author. The author can choose to accept or ignore my feedback. That's all I care about. I do not care whether commenters agree or disagree with my opinion - it is totally inconsequential to the development of the story, which is the only thing I actually do care about. 

I could go over my specific objections to your comment but I really don't want to write a 10 paragraph essay on why I feel parts of the narrative are weak, despite the ways the story tries to justify it all. If the author wants me to further explain my opinion, then I will be happy to do so, because that might directly impact the development of the story. But for anyone else, no, because it will be totally unproductive.

That's all I have to say. Feel free to think whatever you want about the story - everyone is entitled to their own opinion. 


Perhaps I came across as argumentative in my first response, and it seemed like I was jumping to the defense of the work like some rabid follower. Apologies, that was not my intention.

I interpreted your criticisms as less constructive as some of your grievances seemed to overlook some of the smaller details or events within the story that I felt would have addressed them otherwise. Of course, that isn't for me to presume.

As you've made clear, we all have our own opinions and I, like you, just want this story to prosper.


is the different duo spirit intentional or is it a bug cause it somehow let me choose two of them but of different category like bull and elephant(strength and vitality) if its intentional its very good otherwise sorry for not warning earlier ;/


Is there a way to beat the demon queen in the quest to escort Tang Huo's daughter or do you have to do something else to avoid the quest entirely?


The quest is unavoidable. If you killed the demon queen's son, it's basically submit or die.

Played the new boosty update. Will there be a way to later reconciliate with Mei Mei or maybe add a third option to stay friends if you kill the bh?

Choices right now are to either get into a "partnership" or become enemies. I'm fine with the former, but the latter is the only choice for female MCs though.


so is there still no porn in this or

no porn

(1 edit) (+1)

Was there a reason for getting rid of the prestige stat?


Mainly, because it didn't do anything. There was a maybe 1-2 interactions where it did play a role and I aimed to simplify the game with the rework. I may return it in the future though, once the story is complete and I'll have time to add details like that

When I download poma-public and try to play it in my browser and translate with Google translate, this happens. (I don't speak English so I'm using Google translate to write this)

And when I try to undo the translation and go back to English to press "Next", the same notification appears.

Oh yeah, I'm aware of this. No idea why it happens (probably something to do with the javascript changes I made to the save system), but you can use any other browser and it'd be fine. I tested with edge/its native translator and firefox, there was no problem


Senior was able to break reality with a simple thought. Truly profound martial provess, this junior seeks guidance in the way of the dao from senior

Fun game btw, looking forward to it


Try refreshing/seeing if the error still persists (you may have caught me uploading bug-fixes). If yes, can you tell me how this happened (which choices you picked) and whether you loaded a save sometime before the crash popped up? 

(2 edits)

Yes, yes, and yes. I have a save game a bit before this happened, I remember playing through the game and dropping a save a few screens before this. I was in the danger zone expedition, I killed a fellow disciple, the leader of the first tribe I can chose to assault, who was drunk af, called Fu Bing

 I then had a poetry fight with Le Xiwen I won, then the guy's sis (I think) Fu Lanfen showed up and karmic stomped my ass to -10k

Then she said

Which I'm not sure I get, since her bro was called Fu Bing a bit earlier, or maybe I'm just mixing up another character (these xianxia names man). Also what does "I'm afraid I can't let him his die" really mean? Prolly some typo or something

Anyways, right after that I try to kill the rest of the gathered disciples like on the screenshot way above, and it triggers that error, which funnily enough also bricks the buttons, so I reload the page, load an earlier save, and go with some other option.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks! I'll check it out.
1) Yes, 'Xiao' is a term used for a younger sibling/kid. She's calling Fu Bing = Xiao Bing (replacing the surname with the endearment). There are also a few others that you'll see in the game: repeating the name twice (Da = Da Da) and adding 'er to the name.

2) It's a typo, will fix

Will stat maximums be readjusted for MCs with a dragon tattoo? Dragon tattoo increases max stats by 20, but we are still capped at 1,000. Is this intentional so that we don't breach into early xiantian stats?


Nope. I'll fix it in a minute, 1000 is the absolute limit, which is supposed to be very, very end-game and will cost much more to reach

Deleted 1 year ago

There's a coding error when selecting the good-looking trait in the beginning. It's not enabling the "talent_chr" variable when it normally should.

its coded as 'beautiful'


No, the "beautiful" variable is enabled. It's not enabling the "talent_chr" variable that allows half the exp required to increase charisma.

(1 edit)

talent_chr is basically an empty variable placed in order to pass quicktest (a tool to proofread bugs), which ignores conditional statements and will show an error otherwise. Actual code for increasing attributes/spending exp looks like this

Oh, that's good to know. I was stat editing it on anyways.

I believe this only happens in mobile since i played in the PC just fine

Maybe an old save issue. Does it persist with new ones?

Yep it still persist on mobile, you can save the game but can't load them.

Can you send me your save file? Either upload the file somewhere and link it or just copy text and paste it here

(1 edit)

Since I don't know how to upload file on phone so I just gonna google lens the entire text here it might not work cuz my phone can't copy and paste pop-up the message pic above

{"version": "UNKNOWN","stats":{"choice_title":"PathOfMartialArts","testing":false"version_number":"12","implicit_control_flow":true,"cslib_ret":"0","difficulty":"1","statcheck":true,"stat_check_crit":false,"defeatscene":"","additional_damage":"0","bleeding":"0","fight_difficulty":"0","infusion":"0","r_v":"0","enemy_str":"0","enemy_agi":"0","enemy_con":"0","enemyvit":"0","enemy_per":"0","enemy_realm":"Early","aura_disabled":false,"finished_character_creation":true,"met_character":"0","date":"0","prologue_rooms":"","prologue_lost_xiaochun":false,"prologue_won_tigress":false,"prologue_hurt_xiaochun":false,"prologue_reached_houtian':false,"restaurant_percentage":"0","restaurant_alcohol":"1","restaurant_popularity":"50","restaurant_active":"0","restaurant_name""Guo'sRestaurant","restaurantbudget":"0","restaurant_cut":"0","kinghill_betwinner":"none","kinghill_arrested":false,"rock_gambled":false,"arena_ranking":"10001","arena_yunge":"tooearly","employing_gang":false,"super_apple":false,"killed_mo_long":false,"fought_with_mg":false,"working_for_he":false,"wu_destroyed":false,"boasted_about_killing_ml":false,"alchemy_pavilion_locked":false,"expo_fought_Ic":false,"expo_date":"0","expo_leader_name":"","expo_rushingbull":true,"expo_xiwen":"","expo_disciples":false,"expo_lanfen":false,"expo_twins":"none","expo_lushu_promise":false,"expo_hyi_damage":"nothing"."expo_final":"fight","expo_yuanfang":false,"expo_bull":"none","wrote_letter":false,"expo_army":"20","goshan_dead":false,years_passed":"0","opinion_ruo":"50","opinion_guo":"50","opinion_tigress":"50","opinion_mei":"50",opinion_ai":"50","opinion_fubing":"50","opinion_lc":"50","opinion_caihong":"50""opinion_xiwen":"50","met_chao":false,"met_tao":false,"met_ruo":false,"met_guo":false,"met_mei":false,"met_xiwen":false,"met_tigress":false,"met_caihong":false,"met_ai":false,"met_jun":false,"metfang":false,"caihong_status":"N


upload the .txt and send the link =)

where can i download the new premium version?

but you'll need to sub on boosty to get the password

i don't see any download links 😥

Ah, what do you mean? 


Is it normal if my save doesn't work? I left a save on a "safe save" page yet it always goes back to the beginning when I load

Yeah my save files also don't work, doesn't matter if I download and upload them, after a few hours since I close the game they just stop working.


Saves broke =(
This happens due to me bugfixing things constantly. I am trying to make them more permanent, but so far no luck. The only advice I have for now is have more save filed ;(

(1 edit)

Try uploading a safe save now, it should, probably, maybe, work.

Though keep in mind you’ll have to set variables limit_X (str, agi, con etc) to 500 or you’ll get an error when opening stat page/raising attributes (this will only happen with these saves, not in the future lol).

(1 edit)

On premium/boosty version. Getting an error that prevents me from raising attributes.

sect_meditation line 128: can't divide by zero

Edit: Never mind, fixed it by raising the attribute limits to 500. That being said, the dragon tattoo you get from the panda is now worthless as I cannot surpass 1,000 in any stat, when the game previously allows 520.

My game breaks before the fight with the disciples and tattooed warriors giving the error: "expo_final_1 line 426: sbr doesn't contain label add_injury"

Have tried reloading and doing things a little differently but I can't seem to get around that error on that choice.

The other options advance the story but do not appeal to me =(


Will be fixed with the next update (pretty soon). For now, you can get around it by not failing the stat check :D

(1 edit)

Cool. Not possible for my character in that play-through to not fail the stat check beforehand as I went on normal difficulty and wanted to try playing as a character that wasn’t absolutely maxed out on everything.

I just left a save there and restarted the game to try choosing some different options. Selected stronger starting options and it’s interesting how much it affects how the beginning plays out.

Thanks for your reply.


Loved the update and the new RO, she must've been so loney, my poor heart bleeds for her. Great work Nic


Its a great game but its missing the NSFW i was expecting

Deleted 245 days ago


(2 edits) (+3)

Hello! Wanted to ask something. I really enjoy your game and I found romance with Tigress to be just amazing. But when I tried to star Ruo romance I found that there is much less content with his romance in the Demo so far. Like during the “training arc” there was almost no event scenes with him, unlike with other RO.

Is it supposed to be like that and he will get more of “romance” but just in the future chapters, or I am missing something/doing something wrong, and need to follow specific steps to get his romance scenes?


Tigress is pretty much the only romance option that you can go anywhere with right now. At most, you can just flirt with the other cast members and spend time with them, but it's nothing so developed as Tigress' romance.


Oh I see, thank you

Deleted 180 days ago



I hope can we get more Ai content soon. She gets quite a lot less screentime compared to the other cast members.


What happened to the little kid we save on the mission with Ai? There hasn't been any mention of him in a long time.


He's in the sect. In fact, you may (depending on the route) interact with him in the next premium/in two public updates.


MC gets smashed too easily just saying the wrong thing can get their teeth kicked in npc


Will sex scenes ever be added or just fading to black?


just fade to black

Deleted 190 days ago

Guess ur just so ahead of the curve even the game don't know

Deleted 190 days ago

He's fighting a stage above, as a Late-Houtian

Deleted 190 days ago

Amazing game. It was fun and can't wait for more.


Well aside from the bugs and reducing few free roam places

It was fun as always

CAnt w8 for the next season

(1 edit)
In some of my saves, the game returns to the beginning, in others an error appears. I tried to restart the game and I get this message after talking to the owner of the cheapest inn (the same thing happens to me in another save)

Fixed the error, was changing some stuff and accidentally broke it lol.

About the saves... it may break if you save at the state page or if  you enter stat page, leave it and save then without advancing to a new page/making a choice. I'm working on locking the save function during these times, but for now there is nothing I can do =(

Hii! I've encountered a bug in the new version where when you attempt to save (while playing in browser) and then load back to said save, the game immediately freezes. After refreshing the website, the game resets, your save is still there, however the same bug happens when trying to load again. It seems to do the same when downloading it, however when you download it, the game will not acknowledge your save and will not load it.

Did you save during stat page / after you opened stat page and haven't clicked 'next page' or made a choice?

Sadly due to how stat page works in CS, saves tend to break if you do so. I'm working on trying to prevent you from saving during these moments, but it'll take me some time

I saved during a choice, so thats probably why. I tried again after restarting the game and the same issue still occured. Thank you for the reply!! ^^ also I'm not sure if this only happens for mobile as that's what I'm using.

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